If you have landed here on your internet travels it indicates to me a mild if not passing curiosity regarding the origins of my books and possibly my life’s history. I will begin by saying I was never one of those people who craved a literary career. My passion in my youth was the military and engineering design, making things that performed a function or filled a need. Intermixed in there was a trip to USMC Officer Candidate School in Quantic Va. while in college and the typical reserve activities included with the program.
With a BS in Mechanical Engineering I chased that dream as a Facilities Engineer for MCAS El Toro and Tustin, designing SCUBA gear for Scuba Pro, IMSA and Indy Car work for Dan Gurney and a handful of others. That career led me into a profession in the burgeoning world of computers. Before I knew it I was standing up computer systems, designing networks and implementing applications and databases. With always more to learn and the challenges of keeping ahead of the technology, I never imagined I would find the time to explore a curiosity growing in the back of my mind. A major part of my current position required an extensive amount of technical writing. More and more I was being asked to put my writing talents to good use in recording the interworking’s of our technical staff.
That’s when I decided to try a shot at fiction and ran with an idea about Artificial Life from Artificial Intelligence. Three years later, mixing military and computer science, I produced the completed draft of AL:ICE. Now, I did most of this in secret, my wife the sole conspirator. We all know that guy or gal that tells everyone they are working on a book but we never see the end product. I didn’t want to field that question every time I saw someone, “How’s your book coming along?” As such it was a big surprise to those that knew me best, “You wrote a book?”
After the typical thanks, but no thanks, from the publishing community for a no name first timer, I chose the Indie track to test the market. No one was more surprise than me when the sales numbers began to rise. Soon I had earned enough to hire real cover artists and editors and even branched out into audio.
Today I have three series in place and a few stand alone efforts to my name. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Cyber Punk all stretch the limits of my imagination and keep me busy. Who knows where the next story might take us.